
Showing posts from 2017

Attitude of Love

I want you to understand that the beauty and strength of your salvation is in how you can cultivate healthy friendship with people. I don't care if you speak fire and cast out demons. The test of your salvation is in your  ability relate with people in humility, truth and love. Do you know you will give account to the Lord on the judgement day for how you treat the people in your life?  Either they are wrong or right. Either they are your enemies or not. It's your responsibility to treat people with love and respect. Your heavenly father cause rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. Your heavenly father makes the sun and moon to shine of the righteous and the unrighteous. If you are born of God then you will still respect and be polite With even an unbeliever.  Don't use your righteousness as a weapon against an unbeliever. Don't use your strength to judge People . Your strength and righteousness is given to you by God for worship and imp...

Love Is A Person

LOVE IS A PERSON !  Don't think love is about feelings or emotions. Love is a person for God is love. You need to start  approaching love as a person. Christ in you is love manifested. If you abide in God; you become love to this generation. Love is you.  LOVE IS A PERSON.   LOVE IS A MINDSET/THINKING PATTERN .   As you think in your heart, so you will become. There is a specific way to think that will yield love. You can't think any how and experience love. You must think according to the pattern of the person of love (God). If you think as God think, you will love as God love. Love is a mindset.  LOVE IS AN ATTITUDE  . What you think is what you will manifest as attitude. You can be love personified, think love and attitude greed, lies, hatred or ungodly attitude. If truly you think love, then you will attitude love. Don't just tell people you love them. Don't just think about how you love people. YOU MUST TREAT THEM WITH LOVE AND IN L...

The Strength of Relationship

Beloved of God I want you to understand God's principle for relationship.   The strength of any kind of relationship is not just communication ; its in how you communicate. The understanding of any relationship is not in communication alone; its in you understanding how to communicate.  Listening is part of communication because without a listening attitude communication will be abused!  In communication, you must give attention to the TONE of the voice involved in the conversation. This is very important because the tone of the voice behind every conversation holds the understanding needed for love to flow naturally.   Either listening or talking, give attention to the TONE of voice you listen to or the TONE of voice you use in communicating.  Communication is very important in every relationship. WHAT  you are saying is different from HOW   you are saying what you are saying.   in every conversation, you must be c...


Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Colossians 4:6 KJV In love and relationships, words are so powerful because they determine the healthy or unhealthy state of the relationship. Words or communication is the life or the blood of every level of relationship. God is so interested is us as an individual to have healthy relationship with the people surround us.  Either it's a platonic or romantic relationship, God is so concerned about the nature or kind of words we use to asking question and in answering question.  As believers, the prove of your personal relationship with the Lord is in how good you are in relating with the people around you. Anger is not an excuse. Like our text for this post, the bibles stated that LET YOUR WORDS BE ALWAYS WITH GRACE. My brothers and sisters, how gracious are you words? Is it only gracious when you are happy and abusive when you are angry or being off...

Forgiveness Is Not An Excuse!

In love and relationship, forgiveness and reconciliation is the major strength. I want to set a balance to this issue of forgiveness because; many people are using scriptures as an excuse for justifying their weaknesses. God spoke about the offender and the offended in the bible. My assignment in this post is to set a balance between the offender and the offended. Please, read carefully! Mr. & Miss. Offended. I know what it hurts and I have also suffered in some percentage the pain of people hurting me. Being offended is not some thing to expect but some times in love and relationship, you will get it from people unexpected. I want you to remember how much God has loved and forgiven you for your mistakes and faults. You need to understand the abundance of the love and the forgiving Grace of the Lord upon your life. This is the first thing I want you to recognize. God loves you and He has forgiven you of any mistake or faults in your life. It’s important you realize that God ...

Fire Prove

We live in a society where every people are seeking for security. Security is a great asset to any thing that is worth protecting. Your heart and relationship is not an exemption of this need (security). Lack of security or the uncertainty has increased fear among youths and teenagers. Love and Relationship has now become a world of threat. This is an error that must be corrected.  There is a way to fire prove your heart and relationship and this is what this post is set to reveal to you. The fire in this contest is heartbreak. Heartbreak happens because people don’t know how to fire prove their relationship. Conflicts are the not major cause of heartbreak in relationships. The major cause of heartbreak in relationship is lack of fire prove. They have not set up a security system to preserve their heart and relationship. No body can fire prove your heart and relationship; you are the only one responsible for it. One thing I have realized is this; your inabilities to fire prov...

The Beauty of Heartbreak

Heartbreak is not your enemy. Men are not wicked and ladies are not heartless. We suffer daily only because we refuse to sit, think, and learn. In the world of love and relationship, if you don’t learn how to earn your faults and mistakes, you will never escape the world of heartbreak. Heartbreak is the discipline reserved for people who hates to learn and accept correction. The prison is not the problem of law breakers. The major problem of law breakers is their unwillingness to learn from their mistakes, and become a better person. That’s the same situation when it comes to heartbreak.  Heartbreak is one of the most painful but necessary experience needed for youths to become more responsible, and accountable. Experiencing heartbreak does not imply you are immature; you becoming isolated, unforgiving, and bitter after heartbreak means you are immature.  Youths and even teenagers hates heartbreak but that is wrong. If you are not a thief, will you be scared of the p...

Can We Date?

God has a plan and a desire for us as individual. His plan is for us to love and be loved in return. Although a lot of people don’t get to enjoy this plan, there is still an opportunity for you to begin to enjoy Gods desire. This post is all about you understanding from Gods perspective on this question “can we date?” Can we Date? Is a question, an invitation a man places before a lady for the purpose of agreement or disapproval for a relationship. Taking Amos 3:3 as the case study, you will agree with me that in every walking, there must be a defined agreement. What makes an agreement sincerely is when the two people involved, agreed willingly without any form of pressure or manipulation. This is Gods concept about a man asking a lady out for a date. Can we date, is a request a man ought to present to any lady he has an interest in. No lady is bond by your request. Love is freedom to choose and the power to say yes or no. The lady has the freedom to say yes or no to any requ...

Don't Date To Marry!

I was so shocked when the Holy Spirit first whispered this instruction to me. What? Like seriously? Are you joking? But to my surprise, the Holy Spirit gave me an understanding that is a major solution to the frustration among the married people. If you are single and reading this, I am so sure this will help your dating and courtship process. According to the first man (Adam - Genesis 2:24) - God’s instruction was not focused on them becoming married. The major focus of God for them was them becoming “ONE flesh.” This is the misconception among youths. There is nothing wrong with you desiring to be married but there is every thing wrong when, all your investment in the relationship is just to be married. Marriage is not the major goal, marriage or being married ought to be an added bonus and not an achievement. There is some thing that is stronger and of necessity that being married. If you don’t have this and you get married, you will begin to endure the marriage instead of you...

Being Perfect Is Not Enough!

The parable of the ten virgins is our case study; you will agree with me that being perfect or even being a virgin  is not an assurance that your love life or relationship will succeed. In Gods kingdom, there are principles you must learn to embrace and one out of the principles holds the greatest influence; TIME! Every friendship and relationship has a destination. Some friendship and relationships will succeed and some of the friendship or relationships will fail. Failure is predictable and success is predictable. The failure or success in every friendship or relationship is notable in the quality of the discovery and preparation of the individual. Eccl 3:1 states clearly that, there is TIME for every thing and a purpose for every activity under the surface of the earth. TIME plays a big role in the success or failure of the relationship we experience as an individual. Time is like a phase and in every phase (time) there are things you ought to do. This reminds me of a ...

Desires Is Not Enough!

“If you think it, you can have it.” I stand to disagree with this quota. On this ground, I want to write this post to you. It’s so frustrating in the world of relationship because youths and even adults are not actually getting what they desire. Only few people get what they desired and that’s because of a principle I want to share in this post. There is nothing wrong with having good and great desires. As a matter of fact, I want to encourage you to have great desires for a nurturing and successful relationship. But don’t stop there, you must seek to discover and obey the necessary principle required. Desire is not enough; knowledge is needed. It’s so amazing how some people get the result of what they desired and begin to regret because they didn’t know what they were actually desiring. My first question to you is, do you really know your desire? The kind of man or lady you desire to marry, do you actually understand what it means to marry that kind of man or lady? Do you u...

Knowledge Is Not Enough!

There is time for every thing under the sun and this too implies to the issue of knowledge. Love and relationship will never find balance if knowledge is absent but the truth is this; KNOWLEDGE IS NOT ENOUGH. I have seen people who had so much knowledge yet failed in the same area of what they knew. Knowledge has its own diversities and all of them can be available but not needed. Don’t be too conscious of the desire to gain knowledge so much that you begin to loose, the consciousness of who you are in Christ. There are limits to the kind of knowledge we expose ourselves to because our identity is specific in nature. Wrong knowledge is even more dangerous that ignorance and half knowledge are more frustrating than ignorance. In life, love, and relationship, you must understand that there is wrong knowledge about relationship and there is a right knowledge about relationships. The wrong and the right knowledge look appealing to the eyes and the intellectual capacity. What is the r...

Feelings Is Not Enough!

Hosea 4:6 has taught us a good lesson in this kingdom of God. God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This also imply that people in love, and relationship constantly gain or get heartbreaks because they are lack of the right knowledge. In this world of love and relationship, ignorance is not excuse. Feeling is not enough; knowledge is needed. Its okay to recognize that you are having feelings for some one but you must also seek to knowledge what kind of feelings you are having. It’s so confusing how people know they are having feelings for some one yet they don’t even have a clue to the knowledge and understanding of it. How can you be carried away by your feelings (we all do some times) and forget the place of knowledge. I know it feels good and exciting and this is lady or man feels different from every other people you have met in life. One thing you must understand is this question; what are you looking for in life? What are you looking for? Knowing the answer ...

Love Is Not Enough

Using Eccl 3:1 as a case study, you will agree with me that there is a purpose for every activity (love) under the sun. The greatest frustration in life is you being in possession of a thing and yet don’t know or understand its purpose. Whenever I visit social media, I see different adverts for love and relationships but, what many people are not thinking is this; why do I need love and what will I use love to do what I gain love? Love is not a trophy. LOVE IS A WEAPON/TOOL. Yes! Love is a tool and if you don’t understand this concept, you will always get hurt in your love life blaming people, and blaming love without the knowledge that you are the one hurting yourself. Love and relationship is not for lazy people because love is a whole lot of responsibility and work.  The mindset of love as a trophy is what is making ladies to play hard to get before accepting a proposal. Ladies have being taught they are trophy and love is trophy so if there is no chasing, there is no ...

Available But Not Free

Dear Singles, There is a difference between availability, Value, and necessity. Real wisdom is in you knowing the differences. Real Value in life is fully dependent on who you are in Christ and what God has called you to do. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP is not an exemption of this. Love and Relationship is not for lazy people. Value is what defines the necessity of any relationship. The fact that this lady or man is friendly does not mean it won’t cost you some thing. There is a price tag on any relationship and in the process of loving some one.  I do understand that this man or lady is available and needed but it’s not going to be free. There is a price tag in every phase of relationship and you must learn to pay your dues if you want to enjoy Healthy relationship. As a lady, greatest joy is not when He proposed to you. As a man the greatest joy is not when you propose and she say yes. The greatest joy is actually your ability to pay the price to sustain the relationsh...

Available But Not Needed

There is a difference between availability and necessity. Real wisdom is in you knowing the differences. Your necessity in life is fully dependent on who you are in Christ and what God has called you to do. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP is not an exemption of this. The fact that a man asked you out does not mean you need him, and the fact that you like a lady does not mean you need her. The fact that she is still single does not mean you need her. The fact that he is still single does not mean you need Him. The fact that this person is Godly, tongue speaking, demon chasing, and Spirit filled does not mean you need this person. We all do go to super market and shopping moll. Is it every thing in the super market you buy? Is it every thing you like in that super market you buy? So is it in life, love, and relationship. Necessity is key! “Necessity is the mother of needs” The first wisdom in relationship is your ability to know, recognize, and identify what you need. Your needs can ...

Don't Insult God!

Don't insult God! God is so faithful to choose your height for you. He is the one that choose your parents for you. He is the one that choose your nationality for you. He is the one that choose your blood group and genotype. He is the one that choose the arrangement of your hair and He even knows the numbers of your hair. He is the one that arranged the set of your teeth. He is so faithful to design and plan for your life BUT WHY ARE YOU INSULTING GOD IN RETURN? If you want to know things about people, why test and toil with people's feelings? You gossip about people, but why are you afraid of people gossiping about you? You insult people at will but why does it hurt you so much when people insult you. How come you can't take 30% out of the 100% of the insult and pain you cause other people?  Your heart is meant to be the temple of worship. Why is your heart now a laboratory where you test and toil with the heart and feelings of God's precious children?  ...

Love, Plans and Goals

Love is more than a word, love is a lifestyle and a specific kind of mindset. Love must be defined with specification, time and detail. Any relationship of any kind that is undefined is not a healthy relationship. Any friendship or relationship must have a short term goal and a long term goal. Success or failure in any friendship or relationship is predictable. When you fail to sit, consider and plan - you are setting your self up for failure. You are the factor that makes any friendship or relationship healthy. For you to have a plan and goal for the friendship or relationship in your life, you must have a personal goal and plan for your self. When you are confused as an individual, even if you are a friend with an Angel or dating an Angel - you will end up frustrating the Angel. Do you have a clear picture of the direction of your life? The picture you have about the direction of your life must be a knowledge you have discovered about your personal walk with the Lord. T...

Available But Not Desperate

What can a single person do to make themselves “available” without looking desperate? You’re approaching your mid-twenties, mid-thirties, and maybe even mid-forties as a single young adult.  It seems like everyone around you is getting ushered into the world of love and marriage, while you find yourself wondering if you will ever find the one.  You’re torn between trusting God to bring you the right one- and working it in the world of love and dating.   So, how exactly does a single young adult make themselves available without seeming too desperate? The only way to avoid looking desperate is to stop believing that you are, because a person will appear as desperate as they feel.  The more fixated you are on finding love and obsessed about entering marriage, the more desperate you will appear, because eventually, the things that you think about most start seeping into every part of your life for the whole world to see. Here are some ways to stop fixating...