Available But Not Free

Dear Singles,

There is a difference between availability, Value, and necessity. Real wisdom is in you knowing the differences. Real Value in life is fully dependent on who you are in Christ and what God has called you to do. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP is not an exemption of this.

Love and Relationship is not for lazy people. Value is what defines the necessity of any relationship. The fact that this lady or man is friendly does not mean it won’t cost you some thing. There is a price tag on any relationship and in the process of loving some one. 

I do understand that this man or lady is available and needed but it’s not going to be free. There is a price tag in every phase of relationship and you must learn to pay your dues if you want to enjoy Healthy relationship.

As a lady, greatest joy is not when He proposed to you. As a man the greatest joy is not when you propose and she say yes. The greatest joy is actually your ability to pay the price to sustain the relationship and not that alone, the ability to make the relationship progressive in nature. As a man, there is a responsibility loving a lady place on you. As a lady, loving a man comes with responsibility (plus price tag)

Here are the price tags;
Commitment (You must be committed to the growth of the relationship. Making calls, returning miss calls, whatsup call are highly important. If you are not available to be committed, you don’t need a relationship. Relationship is not a property you just buy – it’s a teamwork).

Being Friendly (Learn greeting attitude. Don’t be full of your self. Smile and treat people the way you want them to treat you).

Value (What you don’t value, you don’t deserve and even when you mistakenly get it, you will loose him or her).

Effective Communication (You must learn the art of listening and also the art of communicating)

Consistency in being sensitive to his or feelings.

Being Deliberate (Don’t be careless. You must be deliberate in your choice to love him or her).

Reconciliation (You must see this as the top priority. It’s not about winning the argument. Its about learning from the mistakes and becoming a better person daily).

Discipline (Courtesy is necessary. Respect him or her both in words, jokes and attitude).

Be Specific (Don’t assume or presume. Ask questions when you are confused. Define things clearly).

Self Development (There is no relationship with you as an individual. If you are healthy as a person, you can create a healthy relationship with some one else. Create time for your talents, creativity and dreams).

Be Accountable (you should know you are accountable to God for how you treat and talk to this person. Be open to question, don’t let your partner to be scared of asking questions. Be accessible.)

Be an Asset (Can you invest in what God has called you to do? Can you invest in what God has called this person to do?)

These are just few out of many price tags. Love is available but it’s not free. Having a healthy relationship is possible but it’s not free. Godly relationship is possible and available but not free. Having a man or lady that will agree with you “no sex before marriage” is possible and available but it’s not free. The kind of lady or man God has showed you, you will marry is possible and availably but it’s not free. This man you admire, it is possible for him to propose to you but it’s not going to be free.

Why the price tag? It’s because relationship must be maintained, sustained, and constant improvement is a must. In other words, getting into the relationship is not the most important thing. The most important thing is sustaining it, maintaining it, nurturing it and growing in it. And these, is not free. PAY YOUR DUES.

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus

For more help, read John 15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29.

Watch out for my next post “Love is not Enough."


Yours sincerely

Prince Victor Matthew


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