Available But Not Needed

There is a difference between availability and necessity. Real wisdom is in you knowing the differences. Your necessity in life is fully dependent on who you are in Christ and what God has called you to do. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP is not an exemption of this.

The fact that a man asked you out does not mean you need him, and the fact that you like a lady does not mean you need her. The fact that she is still single does not mean you need her. The fact that he is still single does not mean you need Him. The fact that this person is Godly, tongue speaking, demon chasing, and Spirit filled does not mean you need this person. We all do go to super market and shopping moll. Is it every thing in the super market you buy? Is it every thing you like in that super market you buy? So is it in life, love, and relationship. Necessity is key!

“Necessity is the mother of needs”

The first wisdom in relationship is your ability to know, recognize, and identify what you need. Your needs can only be identified through who you are in Christ, and what God has called you to do. Using Joseph the son of Jacob as the case study; When He was taken into slavery, His master’s wife was available but not needed by him. It was enticing, the woman pressurized him daily and it appeared like a big time opportunity. Joseph said some thing profound “I can not sin against God and my master.” His first concern was God. Your Need is not all about you; it is all about God’s Purpose and Grace (2 Timothy 1:8-9).

God’s word and what God has called you to do is what will determine what you really need. Needs are defined by necessity. Necessities are defined what God has called you to do. What has God called you to do? Have you discovered it? 

“An individual who does not know what God has called him or her to do
will be a liability in Relationship.”

Beauty is not enough. Handsomeness is not enough. Money is not enough. Love is not enough. What Has God called you to do? In that same light, DO YOU REALLY NEED THIS PERSON?

Can this person add value to what God has called you to do?
Can you add value to what God has called this person to do?

It’s okay that you need this person but, DOES THIS PERSON REALLY NEED YOU? Are you sure you are not accepting him or her base on pressure or pity? 

Its okay to see that there is a possibility of this guy proposing to you. It’s okay to see the possibility of this lady accepting your proposal. The big question is; it’s available, but DO YOU NEED THIS PERSON? Yes! It’s available but DOES THIS PERSON NEEDS YOU.

Be honest with your self, do you even know what you need?
Can you take your stand like Joseph and say ‘NO,’ to what’s available to you but not a need to you?

For Help study John 15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29.

Watch out for my next post “Available But Not Free.”


Yours sincerely

Prince Victor Matthew
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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