Feelings Is Not Enough!

Hosea 4:6 has taught us a good lesson in this kingdom of God. God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This also imply that people in love, and relationship constantly gain or get heartbreaks because they are lack of the right knowledge. In this world of love and relationship, ignorance is not excuse.

Feeling is not enough; knowledge is needed. Its okay to recognize that you are having feelings for some one but you must also seek to knowledge what kind of feelings you are having. It’s so confusing how people know they are having feelings for some one yet they don’t even have a clue to the knowledge and understanding of it. How can you be carried away by your feelings (we all do some times) and forget the place of knowledge. I know it feels good and exciting and this is lady or man feels different from every other people you have met in life. One thing you must understand is this question; what are you looking for in life?

What are you looking for? Knowing the answer to this question will solve 60% of your confusion. It’s one thing to know what you are looking for but it’s another thing for you to know what God created you to look for. To have a clue to what God created you to look for in life, you must first identify who you were created to be. Your real identity according to Gods word is what will dictate the things you are meant to look for.

Apart from knowing your self according to Gods word, do you really know this person you are having feelings for? Apart from whom you think they are - who is she/him? Do you even know their values, priorities, and what God has called them to do? Do you even know where this person is heading to in life? BEFORE you even find out all these questions concerning some one else, do you personally have answers to these question about your own life? 

What comes to your mind when you are having feelings for this person? FEELINGS PRODUCE DESIRES. So what desire have you cultivated from these feelings you are having for this person? Is it just about you kissing him/her? Is just about romance and sex? Is it about his or her figure? Is it about His or her achievements? After gaining the desires your feelings for this person is creating in you – WHAT NEXT? Are these feelings giving you the opportunity to add value to what God has called this person to do? Are these feelings just about you satisfying your own greed, lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh?

Do you really and truly understand the feelings you are having about this person? Don’t tell me you can’t just explain. Feelings and life is explainable – that’s what knowledge offers you.

Feelings are not enough; knowledge is needed.

Some day, this feeling will fade, and all that will confront you will be the demand for the knowledge why you had the feelings for this person in the first place.  Are you ready fir that question when the time comes?

Remember this, John 15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus 

Watch out for my next post "Knowledge is not Enough." 


Yours Sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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