Fire Prove

We live in a society where every people are seeking for security. Security is a great asset to any thing that is worth protecting. Your heart and relationship is not an exemption of this need (security). Lack of security or the uncertainty has increased fear among youths and teenagers. Love and Relationship has now become a world of threat. This is an error that must be corrected. 

There is a way to fire prove your heart and relationship and this is what this post is set to reveal to you. The fire in this contest is heartbreak. Heartbreak happens because people don’t know how to fire prove their relationship. Conflicts are the not major cause of heartbreak in relationships. The major cause of heartbreak in relationship is lack of fire prove. They have not set up a security system to preserve their heart and relationship. No body can fire prove your heart and relationship; you are the only one responsible for it. One thing I have realized is this; your inabilities to fire prove your heart does not only affect you, it affects the people around you.

THE FIRST TOOL NEED TO FIRE PROVE YOUR HEART AND RELATIONSHIP IS TRUTH. Like the scripture will say; the truth you know shall set you free. I will like to explain the previous statement this way, the truth you refuse to know or despise will set you in bondage. In this world of love and relationship, it’s not all about what you like; it’s all about what God has planned for you. Do you know the truth of God word concerning your heart and relationship? Do you know the truth concerning your reason for existence and what God has called you to do? Why do you believe the things you believe in? Truth is knowledge personified. The kind of truth you know will determine the kind of knowledge you will have. Why do you call some things truth, when the Lord has not called it truth? 
There are two kinds of truth. We have the truth that is defined by Gods word and we have the truth that is define by the standard of the world, and society. The fact that every body is accepting some things does not mean it is the truth. Majority does not carry the vote in Gods kingdom; only the truth of God’s word carries the vote. TRUTH IS WHAT GOD IS SAYING OR WHAT GOD HAS SAID ABOUT YOUR LIFE, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP. Let me ask you two questions; do you know what God is saying (truth) about your life and relationship? Thank God for what God told you few months or years or days ago but, what is the Lord presently saying about your life and relationship? Are you operating with the expired truth or you are operating with the present truth? DO YOU KNOW THE TRUTH? JESUS is the truth. Do you know the Lord? Do you have the knowledge about who the Lord is to you personally? Who do you really say the Lord is to you?

The Truth is the Lord Jesus. Is Jesus the Lord over every aspect of your life? The Truth is the Word of God (Jesus). Do you know what the word is saying about your life and relationship? The Truth is Gods plan (Jesus). Do you know the plan of God for your life and relationship? The Truth (Jesus) is your prophecy. Do you know the prophecy concerning your life and relationship? The Truth (Jesus) is vision. Do you know the vision concerning your life and relationship? The Truth (Jesus) is the pattern. Do you know the pattern for your life and relationship?



THE SECOND TOOLS NEEDED TO FIRE PROVE YOUR HEART AND RELATIONSHIP IS UNDERSTANDING. It’s okay for you to know the truth but do you understand the truth you know? Do you understand the specification and pattern of Gods personal dealing with you concerning your life and relationship? Do you fellowship with the truth (Jesus) that you know? Do you ask the truth (Jesus) you know, questions surrounding issues that are confusing you in your life, and relationship? Do you really understand the truth (Jesus) that you know? The Truth is Jesus and Jesus is your prophecy, vision, and pattern. Do you understand the prophecy, vision and pattern concerning your life and relationship? TO FIRE PROVE YOUR HEART, YOU MUST EMBRACE THE TRUTH AND WALK IN THIS TRUTH (Jesus).

The third tools needed to fire prove your heart and relationship is VALUE. It’s okay to know the truth (Jesus) and its okay for you to understand the truth (Jesus). The major issue here is, do you “value” the truth you’ve come to know and understand? The best way to prove you value the truth (Jesus) that you know and understand is by you submitting to the Truth. Do you submit your desire to this truth (Jesus)? Do you submit your expectations to this truth (Jesus)? Do you submit your decisions to this truth (Jesus)? Do you submit your choices, likes and dislikes to this truth (Jesus)? The truth you know is what sets you free. You are not the one that set your self free. It is the truth that you know that sets you free. THE TRUTH CAN ONLY SET YOU FREE WHEN YOU SUBMIT TO IT. It’s okay that you know and understand the truth (Jesus) but are you ready to submit to the truth that you know?

It’s okay to know and understand “no sex before marriage” but will you submit to this truth? How submissive are you to every kingdom principle you know, and understand about your life and relationship? If you VALUE it, you will submit to it.

To fire prove your heart and relationship, these are the three principle required. Are you ready to fire prove your heart and relationship? Do you want to live above heartbreaks? ABOVE ARE THE PRINCIPLES NEEDED.

FIRE PROVE is a choice and a decision. It’s not automatic. It’s a process and a journey.

Always remember John15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29.

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.

Watch out for my next post "loving or spoiling?"


Yours sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew 
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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