Being Perfect Is Not Enough!

The parable of the ten virgins is our case study; you will agree with me that being perfect or even being a virgin  is not an assurance that your love life or relationship will succeed. In Gods kingdom, there are principles you must learn to embrace and one out of the principles holds the greatest influence; TIME!

Every friendship and relationship has a destination. Some friendship and relationships will succeed and some of the friendship or relationships will fail. Failure is predictable and success is predictable. The failure or success in every friendship or relationship is notable in the quality of the discovery and preparation of the individual.

Eccl 3:1 states clearly that, there is TIME for every thing and a purpose for every activity under the surface of the earth. TIME plays a big role in the success or failure of the relationship we experience as an individual. Time is like a phase and in every phase (time) there are things you ought to do. This reminds me of a statement a man used in asking Jesus a question “what must I do to be saved?” There is some thing you ought to be doing in every phase of your life. So, what must you do to succeed in any friendship or relationship?

The first phase of time in life is the time you ought to discover yourself through Gods word. This is the time for you to discover and understand your calling. This is the time for you to understand the diversity of your vision, and assignment in Christ. These are the times to recognize the role your talent and creativity will contribute to what God has called you to do. This is the time to understand your values, priority and identity from the word of God. There is a time for this and this must be before you start any emotional relationship. 

This is the time for you to ask the Lord for the clarity of the kind of future that He has prepared for you. This is the time for you to ask the Lord for clarity on the kind of man or woman He wants you to marry. This is the time to discover the reason why the Lord wants you to marry or date. This is the time for you discover the vision, and assignment behind your marital destiny and the role God has set for you to fit in. 2 Timothy 1:8-9. If you skip the time or waste this time without discovering these things and time passes you, REGRETS AWAITS YOU.

The second phase of time in life is the time to prepare your self for all that you have discovered in Christ. PREPARATION is measurable. PREPARATION is definite or specific. PREPARATION has individual uniqueness. This second phase is the time for you to start preparing your self with all the details from your season or time of discovery. Your discoveries becomes your the guideline for how you prepare your self. You must prepare your self Spiritually, Financially, Intellectually, Physically, Relationally, Socially, and in your talents or creativity. All the details required in knowing how to prepare or measure of your preparation are the details, of the things you have discovered in your time of discovery (walk with the Holy Spirit). Your preparation must suit where God is taking or leading you. Your decision, desires and expectation are nurtured and built through what the Lord has showed you about your self, the kind of future, and marital destiny He has planned for you. This season is what position your mind through your discovery in Christ to know people you must not date or keep as friends. It doesn’t necessary mean they are bad people but it means they won’t fit into where God is taking you in life. Amos 3:3. If you skip the time or waste this time without preparing for the things you have discovered and time passes you, REGRETS AWAITS YOU.

The FIRST and SECOND phase is what every teenager or youth ought to use their single stage in life to do. This is the purpose of your single stage in life. Being single is not a curse. It becomes a curse when YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU OUGHT TO DO. Your single stage is a precious gift of time for you to discover and prepare for the future that lies ahead of you. Love and relationship is a phase of life you prepare for. You don’t prepare in love and relationship, even if you have the chance, it comes with bitter experiences (learning, discovering and preparing the hard way.)

This is the phase or time when you living out what you have become through the discovery and preparation stage. This is the time to start sharing the love you have received from God. This is the time for you to start sharing the love you have become through the discovery and preparation season or time of your life. This is the time you know when to say “yes,” and when to say “no” base on the quality of what you have discovered, and the quality of your preparation in line of your discovery in Christ. THIS IS THE TIME FOR LOVE.

Some people used the time for the first phase well but miss out the second and third phase. Some people used the time for the first and second phase but miss out the third phase. Some people used the first phase, missed the second phase and want to embrace the third stage. Discovery is not enough. Ignorance is not an excuse. Preparation is not enough; you must recognize the hour of your visitation and you must stay prepared for your hour of visitation. WHEN TIME BECOMES YOUR ENEMY, REGRETS & FRUSTRATION BECOMES YOUR PORTION. Don’t be like the five foolish virgins. They missed out because they didn’t take enough oil (preparation). Be patient and prepare well. Don’t be in a rush and don’t jump into a relationship.

Being perfect is not enough; discover, prepare, recognize the TIME of your visitation and LOVE.

Don’t forget this; John 15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.

Watch out for my next post "Don't Date to Marry."


Yours sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew 
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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