Love Is A Person

Don't think love is about feelings or emotions. Love is a person for God is love. You need to start  approaching love as a person. Christ in you is love manifested. If you abide in God; you become love to this generation. Love is you.  LOVE IS A PERSON.  

As you think in your heart, so you will become. There is a specific way to think that will yield love. You can't think any how and experience love. You must think according to the pattern of the person of love (God). If you think as God think, you will love as God love. Love is a mindset. 

What you think is what you will manifest as attitude. You can be love personified, think love and attitude greed, lies, hatred or ungodly attitude. If truly you think love, then you will attitude love. Don't just tell people you love them. Don't just think about how you love people. YOU MUST TREAT THEM WITH LOVE AND IN LOVE. YOU MUST TALK TO THEM WITH LOVE AND IN LOVE. 

Love is a journey.
This is the place of God's plan and the demand to improve. Love is a reality that will demand you to daily walk with the Lord from the stage of immaturity to maturity. There is no stagnation in love. There is no excuse in love. There is no shifting of blame in love. It's a daily walk in God till you become the fullness of Christ - here on earth.        

Love is a person. 
Love is a mindset/thinking pattern.
Love is an attitude. 
Love is a Journey. 



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