The Beauty of Heartbreak

Heartbreak is not your enemy. Men are not wicked and ladies are not heartless. We suffer daily only because we refuse to sit, think, and learn. In the world of love and relationship, if you don’t learn how to earn your faults and mistakes, you will never escape the world of heartbreak. Heartbreak is the discipline reserved for people who hates to learn and accept correction.

The prison is not the problem of law breakers. The major problem of law breakers is their unwillingness to learn from their mistakes, and become a better person. That’s the same situation when it comes to heartbreak.  Heartbreak is one of the most painful but necessary experience needed for youths to become more responsible, and accountable. Experiencing heartbreak does not imply you are immature; you becoming isolated, unforgiving, and bitter after heartbreak means you are immature. 

Youths and even teenagers hates heartbreak but that is wrong. If you are not a thief, will you be scared of the police man? Likewise, if you are not at fault, why will you be scared of heartbreak? The last time I checked, the Holy Spirit told me that heartbreak, is Gods instrument for correcting and repositioning His children that are too busy to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Hmmm… I was as surprised as you are right now. But that is the simple truth. 

Many people focus on the pain, and regrets that comes with heartbreak but the question people don’t ask is; why this pain, and what does this regret have to teach me? In every pain lies an untapped wisdom and in every regrets lies an untapped understanding. Maturity is the ability to bear the pain, bear the regrets and learn all you need to learn. Most times, youths makes it worse when they start fighting the pain and regret. As a man, fighting the lady that caused you pain and regret is not the way forward. She is just an instrument used. The major problem is your own ignorance and your inability to see your own fault and admit it or earn it. As a lady, fighting the man that caused you pain and regret is not the way forward. He is just an instrument used. The major problem is your own ignorance and your inability to see your own fault and admit it or earn it.

The Beauty of Heartbreak:
The things you should have learnt that you didn’t seek to learn.
The things you should have learnt that you rejected. 
The things you should have learnt that you were not patient enough to learn.
The things you should have understood but were not patient enough to understand.
The things you should have understood that you despised.
What you should have refused to do that you did.
What you should have done that you failed to do.

Above is the beauty of heartbreak. Instead of planning for revenge and keeping malice with your ex, learn from the heartbreak and become a better lover. At a point in life, the Holy Spirit instructed me to make peace with all my ex either they were at fault or not. It was so interesting having a conversation with them, and asking them questions about what went wrong between us. I remember me and my ex laughing over all the misunderstanding and the break up. Making jest of one another at points we over reacted, and getting feedback from my ex about our breakup gave me a better way to love, listen, and make decisions.  This is how youths who love the Lord should be able to do. They were things my ex told me that gave me a better view about my self. (I think you too need to try this.)

Heartbreak is beautiful. Instead of you looking for who is right and who is wrong, why not focus on the lesson that needs to be learned? You should be fighting your own ignorance and impatience instead of you fighting this lady or man. Stop feeding your ego and self righteousness by proving the man or lady was at fault and learn. It’s funny how people insult and call each other fools after a breakup. Let me ask you are question. If you are as wise, and smart as you think you are - how come you consciously dated, invested your time, and effort with some one you are now calling a fool? How is the real fool here now? (Smiles)

 Drop the bitterness, come out of the isolation and stop suspecting every man or lady around you. You are the only person stopping your self from being loved. You are the greatest enemy of your self. You need to reconcile with your self, forgive your self and forgive your ex. Forgiving your ex is the greatest gift you can ever give to your self (you are not doing them a favour). If you don’t reconcile with the past, you will never be free to see the beauty of today and you will be blind to the beauty of the future. Learn all you need to learn and allow Jesus to heal your heart. Matthew 11:28-29 is the best medicine for you in this issue of heart break. 

It’s not about the tribe of the lady or the man that broke your heart. It’s not about the culture or the nationality of this man or lady that broke your heart. It’s all about the ignorance within yourself that you refuse to conquer. This post is a call for you to give more attention to your self. This is a call for you to identify the real enemy. She is not real the enemy and he is not the real enemy. The real enemy is YOURSELF (the ignorance within you). It’s time for you to enjoy the beauty of the heartbreak and learn to become a better lover. If you keep dating the same type of ladies or men that broke your heart in the past; YOU ARE TO BE BLAMED. It shows you have not learnt from your pains and regrets. If you like, date another tribe or some one from another nation, if you don’t address the ignorance within you, even if you date an Angel dropped from heaven, these same mistakes will repeat.

As for you that is so busy causing other people pain, I want you to know that “God can not be mocked, what you sow is what you will reap.” So, you can’t deal with your own angers and liability? You always keep blaming people for being the reason why you do what you do. It’s time for you stop shifting blames and start blaming your self. Learn to be polite. You don’t want people to shout at you yet you don’t want to respect your self and just shut up your mouth for once. You keep asking, I don’t know why are avoiding me or don’t like me? If every body has the kind of attitude, manner of approach, and mindset that you have – will this world be a better place? You know your self more that I do; CAN YOU DATE A MAN OR A LADY THAT HAS THE SAME LIABILITIES (WRONG ATTITUDE, WRONG WORDS, INSULT, ASSUMPTION, PRESUMPTION, SUSPICION ETC) IN YOU? You better learn or you will keep suffering. Take it or leave it!

As for you that have being taken for granted, despised, insulted, and taken for a ride by people; it’s time for you to open your own eyes too, and stop settling for less. Stop acting like people dating you is the same as them doing you a favour. Why are you so desperate and impatient? Why are you on a run? Where are you rushing to? Why are you allowing your age to mount up pressure on you? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE YOURSELF? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LOVE AND RESPECTING YOUR SELF FOR ONCE? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST STOP IMPRESSING LADIES? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST STOP IMPRESSING MEN? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Hmmm… I am short of words.

In conclusion, men stop fighting ladies and ladies stop fighting men. Stop hating one tribe or one nationality. This fighting has not helped you; aren’t you going deep and deeper in pains and regrets daily? INSTEAD OF FIGHTING EACH OTHER, LET’S START FIGHT FOR EACH OTHER. You alone won’t make it. Men need’s the ladies and ladies need the men.

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus

#John 15:5
#Matthew 11:28-29


Yours sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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