Can We Date?

God has a plan and a desire for us as individual. His plan is for us to love and be loved in return. Although a lot of people don’t get to enjoy this plan, there is still an opportunity for you to begin to enjoy Gods desire. This post is all about you understanding from Gods perspective on this question “can we date?”

Can we Date? Is a question, an invitation a man places before a lady for the purpose of agreement or disapproval for a relationship. Taking Amos 3:3 as the case study, you will agree with me that in every walking, there must be a defined agreement. What makes an agreement sincerely is when the two people involved, agreed willingly without any form of pressure or manipulation. This is Gods concept about a man asking a lady out for a date.

Can we date, is a request a man ought to present to any lady he has an interest in. No lady is bond by your request. Love is freedom to choose and the power to say yes or no. The lady has the freedom to say yes or no to any request (can we date?). This is a matter of choice and decision. It must be freely and willingly. A man asking a lady out is by no means doing the lady a favour. A lady saying yes or no is by no means doing the man a favour. Irrespective of his or her status, he is asking the lady out because He needs the lady for a relationship. She accepted the request because she needs the relationship.

My Sisters, you are not a trophy that should be chased. Men are so wired in a way that, whatsoever they pursue to get, become their possession (property). This is the reason why some men don’t see the lady they are dating as the gift of Gods grace to his life. The men won’t see ladies as the gift of Gods Grace because ladies made men to do the chasing. In other words, it’s by their strength and effort they got the lady and by so doing, they will start treating the lady as their property.  “Can we date” is totally different from “can I chase you?”

Can we date mean, can I get to know you and your priority? It means, can we learn how to respect our individual differences? It means, can we observe to see if our destination in life leads to the same direction? It means, let’s observe to know if our spiritual values agrees? It means, let’s observe to see if our intellectual values agrees? It means, let’s observe to know if our physical values agrees? It means, let’s observe to know if our relational values agrees? It means, let’s observe to know if our social values agrees? It means, let’s observe to know if what God has called me to do agrees with what God has called me to do? THIS REQUEST SHOULD IGNITE FRIENDLINESS AND NOT WITHDRAWAL OR ISOLATION.

“Can we date” should not become a threat and a battle-line drawn. I discovered of late that some ladies got deceived in dating for one reason; they never took their time to be friendly enough to get details of informations, needed before giving a yes or a no to the request “can we date?” LACK OF FRIENDSHIP before or after this request (can we date?) is what actually makes men, and ladies miss it in relationship. DON’T JUMP FRIENDSHIP. Take you time to talk; get to know the things this person that presented this request (can we date?) loves to talk about. This is time for screening and observation.

Withdrawal and Isolation from the man that presented this request (can we date?), does not in any way display you as a suitable helper and wise lady. What this attitude says about you as a lady is; you are insecure, confused, and not ready. My sisters, don’t be like them. Even after a man has presented this request, be your self. Laugh when you feel like laughing. Joke when you feel like joking. Be serious when you need to be serious. Ask questions when you seek clarity. Talk when you need to talk. Be silent when you need to be silent. It will not make any Godly man take you for granted. It does not mean you are cheap. SIMPLICITY AND TRUTH is the confidence of any Godly lady. JUST BE YOUR SELF!

My brothers, the fact that a lady said no to your request (can we date?) does not mean she is a bad person. She doesn’t just need you and it does not mean you are inferior to her. IT IS BETTER A LADY SAY NO TO YOU THAN FOR HER TO MANAGE, AND PITY YOU. You were created to be celebrated as a man. Wait for the lady that will see you as her king.

As singles (men or ladies), it’s you duty to seek the face of God to know His plans for your relationship life. MEN: if you have a quality relationship with the Lord and have inquired to know His plan for your relationship life, when you see a lady you can date, you will know. All she will do or say will become a confirmation to what you and God has already discussed about your relationship life. And when you see a lady you must not date, you will know because all she will do, and say will be against what God has showed you about your relationship life. MY BROTHERS, WHAT HAS GOD SHOWED YOU ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP LIFE?

LADIES: if you have a quality relationship with the Lord and have inquired to know His plan for your relationship life, when you see a man you can say yes to, you will know. All he will do or say will become a confirmation to what you, and God has already discussed about your relationship life. And when you see a man you must not say a yes to, you will know because all he will do and say will be against what God has showed you about your relationship life. MY SISTERS, WHAT HAS GOD SHOWED YOU ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP LIFE?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t depend on your own understanding. LADIES: Every time a man asks you out (can we date?) involve the Lord, and be friendly and the Lord will direct your part. MEN: Any time you see a lady you are interested in and you want to date, involve the Lord and be friendly and the Lord shall direct your path. My brother, stop chasing ladies and start chasing your God’s given vision. Ladies, don’t enjoying being chased, you are a gift of Gods grace; allow the Lord to present you before your Adam just as, God present Eve before Adam. 

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.

Watch out for my next post "the beauty of heartbreak."

#John 15:5
#Matthew 11:28-29


Yours sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew 
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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