Attitude of Love

I want you to understand that the beauty and strength of your salvation is in how you can cultivate healthy friendship with people.

I don't care if you speak fire and cast out demons. The test of your salvation is in your  ability relate with people in humility, truth and love.

Do you know you will give account to the Lord on the judgement day for how you treat the people in your life? 

Either they are wrong or right. Either they are your enemies or not. It's your responsibility to treat people with love and respect.

Your heavenly father cause rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. Your heavenly father makes the sun and moon to shine of the righteous and the unrighteous. If you are born of God then you will still respect and be polite With even an unbeliever. 

Don't use your righteousness as a weapon against an unbeliever. Don't use your strength to judge People . Your strength and righteousness is given to you by God for worship and impacting your world.

Treat people with respect even if they   don't deserve it. At least, you didn't deserve the death of Jesus before God gave you free of Charge! 

God is love. 
God lives in you.
Love is you.

Think it! 
Attitude it. 
Become it. 



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