Desires Is Not Enough!

“If you think it, you can have it.” I stand to disagree with this quota. On this ground, I want to write this post to you. It’s so frustrating in the world of relationship because youths and even adults are not actually getting what they desire. Only few people get what they desired and that’s because of a principle I want to share in this post.

There is nothing wrong with having good and great desires. As a matter of fact, I want to encourage you to have great desires for a nurturing and successful relationship. But don’t stop there, you must seek to discover and obey the necessary principle required.

Desire is not enough; knowledge is needed. It’s so amazing how some people get the result of what they desired and begin to regret because they didn’t know what they were actually desiring. My first question to you is, do you really know your desire? The kind of man or lady you desire to marry, do you actually understand what it means to marry that kind of man or lady? Do you understand the responsibility that’s attached to you marrying that kind of man or lady? Do you really know what you are desiring?

Desire is not enough; prepare. Most of the time, youths are blinded by the opportunities surrounding their desires so much, that they forget that responsibility is the foundation of every opportunity. Knowing your desires is not enough; I think you need to prepare for what your desire. This kind of man or lady that you desire to date, and marry; there is a specific kind of mindset, and attitude required to gain them. This kind of man or lady that you desire to date, and marry; there is a kind of attitude, and mindset needed for you to maintain a progressive relationship with them. Just like any device, every human has a specific way God has design them to function, to love and be loved. Every heart has its own manual. HAVE YOU DISCOVERED THE MANUAL FOR WHAT YOU ARE DESIRING?

GOOD DESIRES CAN HURT YOU. GODLY DESIRES CAN FRUSTRATE YOU. The fact that your desires are good and Godly does not mean it’s meant for you. You have to prepare for what you desire. The preparation here implies you asking the Lord, if what you are desiring is actually part of what He has planned for your life. 

Desire is not enough; recognize. The major issue that frustrate a lot of youths in love and relationship is their inability to recognize what they are actually desiring and waiting for. The reason why youths miss it is because youths are more focused on the CONTAINER than the CONTENT. You must set the balance. Knowing how to recognize the content is of higher priority that you recognizing the container. It’s not about the looks, curves, shape and possession. Even thou these are important, you must focus on some thing that is the necessity of love and relationship. These things are what I call “capacity.” Its not about the design, it’s about the capacity. Do you know the physical capacity of your desire? Do you know the intellectual capacity of your desire? Do you know the spiritual capacity of your desire? Do you know the relational capacity of your desire? Do you know the social capacity of your desire? Do you understand what it will take you to maintain your desire when you achieve what you desire?  


Thank God for the figure eight, straight legs, curved legs, hot legs, smooth skin, broad chest etc… What is the CAPACITY SPECIFICATION of your desire? Can the capacity in what you desire, add value to what God has called you to do? What capacity do you need to fuel what God has given to you? CAN YOU RECOGNIZE AND IDENTIFY WHAT YOU DESIRE WHEN WHAT YOU DESIRE, APPEARS IN FRONT OF YOU? 

I WILL CONCLUDE BY SAYING; If you can think it, if it is meant for you, IF YOU DESIRE IT, if you prepare for it, and if can you recognize it, then you can have it.

Always remember John 15:5 and Matthew 11:28-29

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.

Watch out for my next post "Being perfect is not enough!"


Yours Sincerely, 

Prince Victor Matthew 
Whatsup: +2348139635230


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