Introduction to Relationship

Relationship is not a platform for lazy people with no direct in life. It is a lifestyle with a specific direction in life that is dictated by Dream/purpose.

Relationship is not just about dating. It is an association with your fellow humans for discovering of purpose, learning, preparing and practicing of your dream or purpose. The moment none of the above mentioned is not gained in any relationship between you and any one, you have being cheated.

Relationship is an intentional decision you make in giving your attention, time and conversation for mutual interest that benefits the individual dreams of the individuals in the relationship. In other words, before relationship should be engaged, dreams or purpose must be discovered.

A defined dream authored by Revelation (God's Word), is the necessity for engaging, sustaining and practicing a healthy relationship. Here is the only way to escape abusive relationship.

As a man, be aware that choosing a lady is choosing her dreams along side with her. As a lady, be aware that accepting a man is accepting his dreams along side with him. There are no two ways about it. No dreams, no relationship and any one who have no respect for your dream, have no respect for you or your future.

Prince Victor Matthew
Hope Expression Hub


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