Despise No One

Beloved of God! 
Human relationship is the greatest asset in life and Destiny. Man or human is the capital of God. God can not do any thing without the involvement of man. 

Despising any one is the beginning of frustration. The pressure you use to uplift people is the same pressure that will uplift you. The pressure you use to stop other people is the same pressure that will drag you into frustration.  

Your help is buried in the lives of the people around you. Teenagers or youths - young or old; irrespective of who is involved -Including your children; your help is buried in the lives of the people around you. 

When the Children of Israel were to leave Egypt ; Moses ask them to borrow silver and gold from their neighbours (Egyptians) . Imagine the israelite were in dispute with their neighbours, how will they be able to borrow? 

The value and respect you place on humans or people around you is equal to the measure of value you are  placing  on your destiny.   

Treating people nice; you are doing it for your self. Abusing people; you will reap it. Frustrating people effort; stagnation will constantly embrace you. Supporting people; destiny helpers will surround you. 

Let the way the Lord is treating you, be the extension of how you treat people! 

Love people the way Jesus has loved you! 

There is still HOPE For you in Christ Jesus. Ask Jesus to help you. 




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