Why Are You Here?

Beloved of God! 

I want us to understand that the purpose of God bring people into our lives is more important than our commitment to these individuals. 

Don't be focus on people more than what God has brought them to be, and do in your life. When you begin to expect people to give to you what the Lord has not offered them to give to you, you will continuously live in frustration and disappointment.  

Ask the Lord to teach you and show you the purpose why he has brought every individual into your life. This will help you to know what to expect from them and what they can never offer you.

In mentoring people and in making friends, my greatest test I passed many times is me coming across beautiful ladies that are well mannered, grounded in the scriptures, intelligent and most of all, ladies that strongly believe in my call and ministry - yet having the understanding that I can't date these ladies. She is good enough but is that why God has brough her into my life? Is that what God has brought me to offer her (dating)? Many people are living in un-forgiveness because a man or lady God never intended to marry them didn't end up marrying them. Hmmm... don't blame men or ladies, blame your own ignorance. 

Its one thing to know what God has kept in people for you but higher wisdom is in you know what God has not kept in an individual from you. Expectations are good but expectation through wisdom is better.

Stop feeding a relationship or friendship that's is no longer feeding you with the reason why God brought this person into your life. 

Why has God brought you into this person's life? 
Why has God brought this person into your life? 

You need the understanding of these questions from God in other to cultivate healthy relationship. Every attraction must not end up in dating. Every friendship must not end up in marriage. Some friendship must not remain in friendship alone, it must process to marriage. Some people are your destiny helpers and the best God has created them to be to you is "just a friend." No matter how you try, you can never cultivate emotional relationship with them. Even if you succeed in dating them, it will never end up in marriage because that is not the purpose Why God brought you into their lives.

In the same light, some people have ignorantly turn people God placed into their lives as life partner into "just a friend." The worst thing in life is you marrying some one God just ordain to be your destiny helper and friend. Another worst thing is you refusing to marry some One God has ordain to be your life partner. MOST TIMES, THE PLAN OF GOD IS WHAT IS FIGHTING A LOT OF BELIEVERS.  

It's not about your commitment and sacrifice to make the relationship work - it's in you knowing and understanding why God has brought this person into your life. 

Why are you here? 
Why is this lady or man in your life? 

Love is blind to faults but never blind to the principle of life and destiny. 

This is the will of God for you.




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