The Beauty of Love - Part 2

Genesis 5:1-2. 1. This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;MALE and FEMALE created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM, in the day when they were created.

God has a SPECIFIC PLAN, PURPOSE, VISION and ASSIGNMENT for the FEMALE gender. The FEMALE is a capacity for support and suitable help. God blessed the FEMALE and command her to be fruitful “as a SUITABLE HELPER” to her generation.

The FEMALE were not created by God for marriage alone; they were created for a DIVINE ASSIGNMENT. The Lord created the FEMALE with the capacity and for a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT.

Before any FEMALE in CHRIST should think and expect RELATIONSHIP, - think on the ASSIGNMENT that created your existence. God created the FEMALE for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE. God created the FEMALE for a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT. Any FEMALE in CHRIST must seek through the HOLY SPIRIT to DISCOVER the VISION and ASSIGNMENT behind their existence.

The first thing every FEMALE in CHRIST should seek for is the VISION and ASSIGNMENT behind their existence. The VISION and ASSIGNMENT behind every FEMALE is CHRIST is “SUITABLE HELPER.” Every FEMALE is a SUITABLE HELPER yet they have their individual uniqueness in expressing the suitable help.  There is a SPECIFICATION and different PATTERN attached to every FEMALE as a SUITABLE HELPER. As a FEMALE, it’s your responsibility through the HOLY SPIRIT to find your own uniqueness. 

God created the FEMALE as a SUITABLE HELPER to a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT. Understanding the VISION and ASSIGNMENT you were created to help is what every FEMALE should pursue. As a FEMALE, you were not created for every ASSIGNMENT. As a FEMALE, you were created by God deliberately for a SPECIFIC VISION and ASSIGNMENT. You are an agent of a SPECIFIC VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST. As a FEMALE, stop living your life without a direction – ask the HOLY SPIRIT to help you.

As a FEMALE, the VISION and ASSIGNMENT God has attached for your life is what will determine your destiny. A FEMALE in CHRIST is design as a SUITABLE HELPER to NURTURE and PROTECT a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT. As a FEMALE, you were created with capacity of a SUITABLE HELPER – find your capacity.

As a FEMALE, you need to find yourself (capacity & ASSIGNMENT) through the HOLY SPIRIT. Who you date is not what determines your worth – your worth is your VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST. Your VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST is what should determine your friends and RELATIONSHIP.

Before a MALE finds you, make sure you find yourself in CHRIST. Before a MALE find you, make you have already find the VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST. Before you say “yes” to the MALE make sure your VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST is aligning with His own VISION and ASSIGNMENT.

Just as a MALE have a VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST, a FEMALE also has a VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST. A MALE and a FEMALE do not need to compete because both of them need each other. The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the FEMALE is a phase. The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of a MALE is also a phase. The MALE and FEMALE co-operating together is where a complete work is established.

HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP is when a MALE with a VISION and ASSIGNMENT agrees with a FEMALE with a VISION and ASSIGNMENT to fulfill Gods intention. As a MALE, don’t drop your VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST just to impress any FEMALE. As a FEMALE, don’t drop your VISION and ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST just to say “yes” to his proposal. 

A MALE is not just expected to NURTURE and PROTECT the ASSIGNMENT alone; He has the capacity to NURTURE and PROTECT the FEMALE too. A FEMALE is not just expected to “help” in NURTURING and PROTECTING the VISION and ASSIGNMENT alone; she ought to help in NURTURING and PROTECTING the MALE too.

The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE is a platform needed for the expression of the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the FEMALE. The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the FEMALE is design to support or compliment the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE. The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the FEMALE is not designed to intimidate the MALE. The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE is not designed to intimidate the FEMALE.

The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of a MALE with the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of a FEMALE is “ADAM.” The VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE and the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of a FEMALE is called “Humanity.” Every HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP needs the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE and that of the FEMALE too for it to succeed. Every ministry needs the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE and that of the FEMALE too in other to please God.

God blessed the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE and the FEMALE. God prophesied fruitfulness to the VISION and ASSIGNMENT of the MALE and FEMALE. Every MALE and every FEMALE in CHRIST should operate in God’s blessing and the capacity of fruitfulness. 

The MALE and the FEMALE, God called “Adam.” The MALE and the FEMALE, God called “man-kind.” The MALE and the FEMALE, God called Humanity.” The MALE without the FEMALE is incomplete. The FEMALE without the MALE is incomplete. The glory of the MALE is the FEMALE and the strength of the FEMALE is the MALE. This is the will of God for His Church. It’s time for the FEMALE to stay where God has kept them. It’s time for the MALE to stay where God has kept them. The MALE are blessed and fruitful. The FEMALE are blessed and fruitful. THE BLESSING AND FRUITFULNESS OF THE MALE AND THE FEMALE IS IN THEIR ABILITY TO CO-OPERATE AND COMPLIMENT EACH OTHER (TEAM WORK). 

Jesus loves you so much and its time for you to make Him your personal Lord and Saviour. 

May the Holy Spirit help you to discover your Gods given vision and assignment in Jesus Name.



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