The Beauty Of Love - Part 1

Genesis 5:1-2. This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;MALE and FEMALE created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM, in the day when they were created.

God’s kingdom is our source and our family. We have being adopted into Gods kingdom through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of LOVE because God is LOVE. LOVE is the kingdom, a platform for fellowship, RELATIONSHIP and teamwork.

Adam is the blue print concerning Gods PLAN for RELATIONSHIP. Adam is the total sum of man-kind or humanity (MALE and FEMALE). The MALE and FEMALE God called “Adam.” God’s intention is for the MALE and the FEMALE to co-operate in fulfilling PURPOSE according to His PLANs. 

In Genesis 5:1-2, God blessed the MALE and the FEMALE. The mandate of being fruitful was also given to the MALE and the FEMALE. In the place of Gods PLAN – the MALE and the FEMALE have equal responsibility of DISCOVERING and fulfilling Gods PLAN.

We need to understand that the pursuit of DISCOVERING DIVINE PURPOSE is for the MALE and the FEMALE. The Grace to be fruitful is for the MALE and the FEMALE. The DIVINE calling is for the MALE and the FEMALE. DIVINE VISION is for the MALE and the FEMALE. DIVINE ASSIGNMENT is for the MALE and the FEMALE. Destiny is also for the MALE and the FEMALE.

FEMALEs, you must wake up and pursue the PLAN, PURPOSE and the VISION of God upon your lives. It’s time for you to break away from the wrong mentality of “weak and lazy.” Don’t just sit there and wait for dating; you have a PURPOSE and PLAN in God. Don’t just sit and wait for marriage; there is a call of God upon your life. You are blessed and you have the capacity to be fruitful. RELATIONSHIP and marriage are tools given by God to humanity for fulfilling DIVINE PURPOSE. It’s necessary the MALE and the FEMALE see their DIVINE PURPOSE of more importance that RELATIONSHIP.

The MALE and FEMALE is what God called “Adam.” God has a SPECIFIC PLAN and PURPOSE for the MALE gender. The PLAN and PURPOSE of God for the MALE is to “dress and keep” a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT. God has a SPECIFIC PLAN and PURPOSE for the FEMALE gender. The PLAN and PURPOSE of God for the FEMALE is for her to be a SUITABLE HELPER to a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT. The individual difference between the MALE and FEMALE is what reveals the beauty of “humanity.”

“Adam” or “Humanity” is not complete when the MALE or the FEMALE is absent. God designed the MALE and the FEMALE to co-operate and work together. This is the only way PURPOSE will find its place for fulfillment.

Order is needed. It’s time the MALE gender finds his place in the ASSIGNMENT for humanity. It’s time the FEMALE finds her place in humanity. 

RELATIONSHIP is a world that is full of “roles” and “responsibility.” LOVE and RELATIONSHIP will never find balance if “roles” and “responsibility.” is out of place. The “role” and “responsibility” must be according to the original PLAN of God.

According to Gods design, the first thing God gave to the MALE is the ability to “NURTURE and PROTECT the ASSIGNMENT.” As a MALE, you must allow the HOLY SPIRIT to show you your place. The first thing that’s necessary in LOVE and RELATIONSHIP is your capacity. Your capacity as the MALE is the PLAN and PURPOSE of God for your life. 

As a MALE, you need to find your self – the person God has created you to become. You can only find your self in the PLANs and PURPOSE of God for your life. The PLANs and PURPOSE of God for your life is preserved in the word of God – study it!

The LOVE you are looking for is who you are in CHRIST. Find your self through Gods word and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to help you understand the real you. It’s your responsibility as a MALE to find your self in CHRIST before you find a FEMALE to share your self (LOVE) with. LOVE is all about DISCOVERING yourself in CHRIST and sharing yourself DISCOVERed with people.

As a MALE, you must find and identify where God is taking you through the HOLY SPIRIT. You need to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to help you define your direction in life. You need to develop your capacity to NURTURE and PROTECT the ASSIGNMENT the Lord has given to you. This is what makes you a MALE; your ability to define your direction in life through Gods word.

This is what makes you a MALE; your ability to identify and DISCOVER your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT through the HOLY SPIRIT. You need the word of God and the HOLY SPIRIT to walk into your ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST.

Your first “role” and “responsibility” as a MALE is to DISCOVER your direction in life and understand your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT. It’s also your responsibility as a MALE to develop your capacity to “NURTURE and PROTECT” your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT in CHRIST. In NURTURING and  PROTECTING your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT is where the FEMALE becomes a necessity.

As a MALE, the first RELATIONSHIP you need with a FEMALE is a nonsexual and friendly RELATIONSHIP. Ignoring a nonsexual and friendly RELATIONSHIP for the quest of sexual and emotional RELATIONSHIP will lead you to frustration.

As a MALE, your task is to embrace a personal RELATIONSHIP with the HOLY SPIRIT with the quest of you DISCOVERING your ASSIGNMENT in life. ASSIGNMENT brought the necessity of the MALE gender in creation; DISCOVER it, prepare and do the ASSIGNMENT that commanded your existence.

What is your ASSIGNMENT? God created you as a MALE to NURTURE and PROTECT a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT. Your ASSIGNMENT is the fulfillment of the PLAN and the PURPOSE of God for your life. Your ASSIGNMENT is the experience of your Gods given VISION.

As a MALE, God has a PURPOSE for creating you.

As a MALE, God has a PLAN for creating you.

As a MALE, God has a VISION for creating you.

As a MALE, there is a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT God has committed into your care.

As a MALE, you have to DISCOVER the PURPOSE, the PLAN, the VISION and ASSIGNMENT attached to your existence. Your VISION and ASSIGNMENT has SPECIFICATION, DETAILS and PATTERN. The HOLY SPIRIT is ready to help you DISCOVER and understand them. It doesn’t mean you have to be a pastor but in every field of life, God has an ASSIGNMENT he wants you to NURTURE and PROTECT.

As MALE is only ready for LOVE and RELATIONSHIP when he has DISCOVERING and walking in the VISION and ASSIGNMENT God has committed into His hands.

Watch out for Part 2

To be continued....


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