Healthy People, Healthy Relationship

Beloved! I have always written that; love is you, love is me, love is us and love is Christ at work in our lives.

Love is not just an experience; love is a way of thinking.

The thinking pattern of love is GIVING. The experience of love is ACCEPTANCE. The character of love is TRUTH. The identity of love is DIVINE PURPOSE.

We are in this world but we operate base on God's principle. If you want to have an healthy relationship with the people around you then you must ignore the mindset of the people in this world.

Healthy relationship with your fellow human must begin from you constant relationship with God. People are so wounded in relationship because they are taking Jesus out of their relationship.

Have you received Jesus in your relationship?

Have you received Jesus as the only standard for what goes on in your relationship?

Are you running your relationship according to the pattern of how Jesus say you should treat people?

Don't just experience love, attitude love. Love is who Jesus is; the lifestyle of Jesus is the fullness of love.

Stop loving people by what you feel and begin to love people base on the Jesus you believe.

Any relationship that is not cultivate according to the lifestyle of Jesus is an abusive relationship.

The fact that you are comfortable with the relationship does not mean Jesus is pleased with it. The fact that this relationship is successful does not mean you are successful.

You can have a successful relationship with a frustrated life and you can Have a successful life with a successful relationship.

Before you fight for a successful relationship, fight to have a successful life. A successful life is a life that is pattern after the lifestyle of Jesus.

Love is who you are in Christ. Christ in you is love manifested.

True Love is You!



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