Love is Me - Part 1

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name.

Our topic for today is LOVE IS ME.

Our case study is Genesis 1:26 – 28 and I John 4:8 – 16

What is LOVE?

LOVE is not a feelings but it feels. LOVE is not a song but you can compose a song for it. LOVE is not a pit you can fall into (falling in LOVE). LOVE is a living, a lifestyle, a culture, and has a specific desire.

Why is LOVE needed?

LOVE is needed for a specific purpose, plan, calling and an assignment from the heart beat of God Himself. This is needed for a constant growth, improvement, re-positioning and adjustment from immaturity into maturity. LOVE is needed for the discovering of your self. She is need for self development. She is needed for the discovery of talent, ideas, and creativity. She is needed for destiny. She is need for purpose and you becoming all that God has created you to be. LOVE is needed for discipline, focus, balance, excellence, courage, openness, maturity, and effective communication. LOVE is needed for friendship and relationship (sharing of creativity for the benefit of humans). LOVE IS NEEDED FOR YOU. 

How is LOVE in nature?

LOVE is not confused or afraid. LOVE is discipline, specific, detail and has a plan. LOVE is not a mistake neither is she careless. 

LOVE is the specific knowledge of God’s plan and purpose. This is the understanding of God’s plan and purpose. This is the wisdom of God’s plan and purpose. This is the detail of the intention of God over his sons and daughters. LOVE is for a specific assignment that will bring glory to God. LOVE adds value and strength. LOVE does not kill your ideas, talent, creativity, skills and your God’s given dream. LOVE can not kill your passion with God. LOVE can not stop you from studying your bible. LOVE can not kill your relationship with God. 

LOVE cannot steal your virginity from you {LOVE will wait till the marriage night}. LOVE can not steal your dignity from you. LOVE can not steal from you. LOVE can not steal your friends from you. LOVE can not destroy you. LOVE can not destroy your God’s given dream/vision. LOVE cannot encourage you to be rude and disobedient. LOVE can not encourage you to sin against God.
LOVE is life. LOVE will encourage you to study your books. LOVE will encourage you to read for your exams. LOVE will encourage you to listen to your teachers and obey them. LOVE will encourage you to do your class work and home work. LOVE will encourage you to take the first position in your school. LOVE will not encourage you to lie. LOVE will always make you to say the truth irrespective of the risk involved. LOVE will always tell you the truth. LOVE will encourage you to tell your parents the truth. LOVE will not distract you from your studies and your bible study. LOVE will encourage you to cultivate God’s attitude.

Who is LOVE?

LOVE is you! – 1 John 4:8 and Genesis 1:26 - 27

God is LOVE and you were created in the Image and likeness of LOVE – in other words, LOVE IS YOU. Stop searching for LOVE and begin to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your self to you. If you can discover your self in Christ, you have discovered LOVE. If you can understand your self in Christ, you have understood LOVE. If you can understand how God wants you to behave, you have understood how LOVE behaves. LOVE IS CHRIST IN YOU AND LOVE IS YOU IN CHRIST. LOVE is the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ at work in your life.

To be continued...


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