
Showing posts from 2023


Love is solution-oriented. If you are not solving any problem with the love you have for this person, then you are confused. What problem has your love for this person solved so far? Think! The fact you desire to love someone does not mean you can love this person. Loving someone comes with a price tag; it comes with accepting this person and his or her dream and contributing to their personal growth and the growth of their dream. The best way to love a lady is by using your dream or calling to impact or cultivate her life and her dream. The best way to submit to a man is to give him access to all you know and have for the survival of his dream. In other to love some one completely, you must accept their past, value their present status, and believe in the future ahead of this person. Without these, it's impossible to love this person. Love is not blind because God is not blind. God is love. The first check before you decide to commit to someone maritally is to check their directio...

The Beauty of Love - Part 2

Genesis 5:1-2.  1.  This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2  MALE and FEMALE created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM, in the day when they were created. FEMALE God has a SPECIFIC PLAN , PURPOSE , VISION and ASSIGNMENT for the FEMALE gender. The FEMALE is a capacity for support and suitable help. God blessed the FEMALE and command her to be fruitful “as a SUITABLE HELPER ” to her generation. The FEMALE were not created by God for marriage alone; they were created for a DIVINE ASSIGNMENT . The Lord created the FEMALE with the capacity and for a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT . Before any FEMALE in CHRIST should think and expect RELATIONSHIP , - think on the ASSIGNMENT that created your existence. God created the FEMALE for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE . God created the FEMALE for a SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT . Any FEMALE in CHRIST must seek through the HOLY SPIRIT t...

The Beauty Of Love - Part 1

Genesis 5:1-2.  This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2  MALE and FEMALE created he them; and blessed them, and called their name ADAM, in the day when they were created. God’s kingdom is our source and our family. We have being adopted into Gods kingdom through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. God’s kingdom is a kingdom of LOVE because God is LOVE . LOVE is the kingdom, a platform for fellowship, RELATIONSHIP and teamwork. Adam is the blue print concerning Gods PLAN for RELATIONSHIP . Adam is the total sum of man-kind or humanity ( MALE and FEMALE ). The MALE and FEMALE God called “Adam.” God’s intention is for the MALE and the FEMALE to co-operate in fulfilling PURPOSE according to His PLAN s.  In Genesis 5:1-2, God blessed the MALE and the FEMALE . The mandate of being fruitful was also given to the MALE and the FEMALE . In the place of Gods PLAN – the MA...

BALANCE; Escape From Abusive Relationship - Part 1

Amos 3:3. What is balance? Balance is not a level or state. It is a lifestyle of being considerate and a culture of understanding the difference in the lives of individuals. It is not the function of equal strength but the wisdom of complimentary. Who is Balance? Balance is the reality of wisdom. How is balance in Nature? Balance is of two patterns Compatibility (Goals, purpose and vision) Complimentary (Investment) In compatibility, both parties in friendship or relationship must have a single defined goal, focus, vision or purpose. This is the place where Amos 3:3 becomes a lifestyle. The two must agree willingly without any act of manipulation or domineering attitude from the other party. In this place, is where terms must be defined, questions must be asked and sincerity must be in place. There is a need for you to observe the following questions; Who are you? What do you really want? Where are you going to in life? Is your destination defined by ...

BALANCE; Escape From Abusive Relationship - Part 2

At this point, you must agree that; No body knows it all. No body has it all. No body has seen it all. This is the place where complimentary comes to play. The strength of your weakness lives in your love mate and strength of your love mate weakness lies in you. In complimentary, you must come to the understanding that investment is a necessity. Any Godly relationship, friendship or teamwork is a place where both parties are investing complimentary to make the relationship or friendship work. It is not about you making your love mate lazy by doing all things they were designed to do. It is the ability to support your love mate effort as you allow them to shoulder their own responsibility – this is a designed from God to make each other matured. It has nothing to do with you embracing and shouldering all the responsibility your love mate was designed to handle. Complementary is a support platform. Compatibility is the function of common ground. Godly relat...


Christians love to talk about sex. No, let me clarify. Christians love to HEAR and LEARN about sex. Talking about it, well that’s rather “worldly”, and not to mention – very uncomfortable. Yet as uncomfortable as some circles have made it, the truth is, people want to know about sex! We’re wired that way. It’s rather telling that some of my most popular and most shared articles center around this very topic. And call me crazy, but it seems like no coincidence that I get the most ridiculous amount of emails in my inbox and private messages through Facebook and Twitter within 24 hours of writing an article about sex. Sex. It’s what people want to know about. To understand. To learn about. Sex. It’s a topic that’s been shied away from within the body of Christ, often hidden behind closed doors. Sex. It’s designed by God, made for His glory, and gifted to His people!  Let’s get started. Let’s talk about sex.   If you come from a Christian community or ...

Misconception of Virginity

1. Waiting is ALWAYS worth it, but not for the reasons we think: We often tell young men and women that they need to wait until marriage to enjoy sex, but fail to tell them why, or make them think that virginity is the one and only key to a fulfilling sex life come wedding night. But none of those things are the REASONS we wait. We don’t wait so that we can we can have an evening of ecstasy on our honeymoon night (because trust me…that’s RARELY the case) . We wait because through the process of waiting our relationship is built, our trust is strengthened, and our commitment to one another is tried, tested, and refined. We wait because through the process of waiting, we learn discipline, self-control, reverence for the sacred. We wait because it’s an act of worship and obedience, to a God who knows exactly how we’re wired, what we need, and what is best for our lives. Our waiting is an act of trusting….and trusting God always leads to greater things (INCLUDING greater sex along the...

Say Goodbye to your EX

Q: Is it okay to stay friends with an ex? A: We’ve all seen it happen. Maybe we’ve even been through it. Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl and girl likes boy back. Boy and girl date. Things don’t work out. Boy and girl breakup. Boy and girl feel hurt. And in order to try make it feel less painful, boy and/or girl suggests: let’s stay friends. While it may seem like a noble suggestion, let me be blatantly honest here….I know very FEW (if any) situations in which staying friends with an ex proved to be beneficial. In fact, most of the time, it’s the exact opposite: risky. Usually, one of two things tends to happen when an ex boyfriend/girlfriend try to “stay friends”. 1. You fall back into a romantic relationship (the exact one that didn’t work out to begin with). When two people decide to break up, there’s usually a good reason. In most cases, something didn’t work out or maybe something was lacking in the relationship that led you to that decis...