Love is solution-oriented. If you are not solving any problem with the love you have for this person, then you are confused. What problem has your love for this person solved so far? Think!

The fact you desire to love someone does not mean you can love this person. Loving someone comes with a price tag; it comes with accepting this person and his or her dream and contributing to their personal growth and the growth of their dream.

The best way to love a lady is by using your dream or calling to impact or cultivate her life and her dream. The best way to submit to a man is to give him access to all you know and have for the survival of his dream.

In other to love some one completely, you must accept their past, value their present status, and believe in the future ahead of this person. Without these, it's impossible to love this person.

Love is not blind because God is not blind. God is love. The first check before you decide to commit to someone maritally is to check their direction in life. If it's not compatible or complimentary to you, run away for the safety of your destiny.

Love is not just how you treat the opposite gender you are dating. It is how you treat people daily irrespective of their social status. Love has no class because love owes every human respect.

If loving someone will make you abandon your dream or what God has called you to become, you are loving the wrong person. You are loving someone who is not in alignment with your calling or direction in life.

The best of love can only be experienced between two people who are committed to helping each other's calling a success, through their collective effort. Pouring value into each other's lives and calling.

Know your calling, and understand it well before you engage in dating or get married. Because a Godly marriage is about the husband and wife practicing their calling as a team. Date your kind and marry your kind.

The Grace of Jesus brings love to you but understanding is what empowers you to sustain it. Getting into a healthy relationship is easy through the Grace of our Lord Jesus, but sustaining it will depend on your attitude.

Prince Victor Matthew 


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