How To Handle Break up - PART 1

Break up is not a negative experience....even thou many people have handled it through ignorance.Break up is a decision for your own safety. It is not a war, fight or opportunity to insult or despise any one. It does not mean you are superior or inferior. Its all about what can work and what can not work.
Break up is you stopping any form of commitment to some one you have accepted for dating or Martial journey. This has to do with you avoiding any sense of commitment or loyalty to any relationship THAT IS NO LONGER BEFITTING YOUR PLANS AND NEEDS.

Break up is you placing value on your self and future by putting a stop to your commitment to some whose association with you is no longer helping you to grow and improve. It is you avoiding this person you are dating simple because you no longer feed this persons need. This is you avoiding being committed to some one who no longer feed your own needs too. 

Break up are of two kind.
HEALTHY BREAK UP AND UNHEALTHY BREAK UP. Unhealthy break up is the abusive break up....this is the type of break up that occurs because of the unhealthy attitude.

Don't break up with some one base on assumption or presumption. Be sure of whatsoever you have heard or imagined. Be sure to verify and be sure... This information is a threat to your growth before you break up (that's if this person is not willing to change and become a better person in the area that threatens your growth).

Don't break up with some one simply because of you being suspicious of this person. Ask this person question and be sure your reason for breaking up is for the safety of your dream and future....that's of this person is not ready to make his or her wrongs...right.

Abusive breakup is the aspect that is based on greed. Just the fact that your lover is not having enough money to give you....or take you out like the lovers of your friends...use to take your friends out....or for any reason....does not mean its time to break up.

Abusive breakup is the one that's created due to your pride. This is when people break up because they are too proud to apologize or admit their fault. This is an act of immaturity.

Abusive break up is when  some one break up with his or her lover just to prove a point to friends, family or this lover in particular.... Points about been expensive, superior and special. This is an act of immaturity.

Abusive breakup is when some one break up not because their lover has done wrong...but for their own fear of the unknown in their future or in the relationship. The fear of what has happened in other peoples relationship negatively... Fear of being rejected...fear of isolation or the fear of not being good enough... So this person always use breakup as an escape from this fear in their mind. So they hurt some one when this fear makes them feel they are about to be hurt...even if that's not the real fact. This is an act of immaturity.

Abusive breakup is when you break up with your lover simple because of comparism. Always comparing your lover with what other lovers are doing for their own lovers....comparing your lover with the strength of your ex..lover or your mum or dad...this is an act of immaturity.

Abusive break up is when you break up with your lover due to unscriptural advice you got from some set of people you respect so much...or unscriptural advice from friends...siblings or even parents. This is an act of immaturity.

Abusive breakup is the type that begin due to the expectation of friends and parents...not matching up to the present effort of your lover. Love your partner for who this person is, for where you are going to in life and not what your friends and parents expects from you.

If you have ever had break up with some one....for the above reasons......YOU ARE ACTED OUT OF IGNORANCE

Healthy break up are caused by the following.
Incompatibility of PLANS.
Incompatibility of NEEDS.
Incompatibility of CALLING.
Incompatibility of THINKING PATTERN.
Unfulfilled EXPECTATION.
incompatibility of DIRECTION IN LIFE.

HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.


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