Avoid Regrets

Brothers, don't be deceived by the sight of seeing brothers or a particular brother around this lady you are interested in....even if she is dating some one....does not mean she is happy and satisfied in that relationship. Be your self and be friendly. Be truthful to her....you might be her reason to abandon that abusive relationship. Who knows🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

Sisters, the fact that you see ladies or one particular lady around this brother does not mean they are dating. Even if they are dating it might be that he is not happy in that relationship. Be friendly and be your self. Be truthful to him....maybe you will be the very reason why he will decide to stop settling for less. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

Stop being reserved and distant from a guy or lady that is your talkmate or friend...all in the name he or she is dating some one. Know why you are in that persons life and stay where that place has placed you.

You can still be useful to that lady or man dating some one else. Dating does not mean...you should isolate them....the truth is....no human can get every thing he or she wants from this person he or she is dating. Only GOD has that capacity of meeting all our needs.

Don't give your self the chance to regret simply because you distant your self from this person - because he or she is dating some one else. Still joke, smile, hangout, share ideas and knowledge in your area of interest with this person.....JUST STAY OUT ANY EMOTIONAL ACTIVITY. That's all🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

Stop punishing your self and isolating yourself from this person you really like and enjoy being around him or her - JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE DATING SOME ONE.

HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.


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