Love And Domestic Affairs

Men, learn how to wash plates, pots and arrange kitchen. Its not a ladies duty...its for humans.
Ladies, don't let it be heard of you that what you dislike doing is washing plates, pots and arranging the kitchen.
Drop this idea that when you get married you will get a house maid to do your works for you. LAZINESS IS WHEN YOU ALLOW OTHER PEOPLE TO DO FOR YOU WHAT ONLY YOU SHOULD DO FOR YOU. 
Either you are a man or lady....learn to be domestically available and smart. Learn how to turn a house into a home! Its not a gender thing but its human. 
Management is key...what can you manage? Whatsoever under your care should improve progressively. 
A generation without laziness....let it begin with you....either you are a man or lady!!!
Learn how to do house chores and learn how to be result or solution oriented in domestic affairs. 

HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.


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