Love is You.

I want you to always remember that Love is who you are because of the Christ that dwell in you. 

Don't just know it, believe it and attitude it. Expect love and value love . The experience of love in how you relate with people is the abundance of God's presence. 

How can you say you trust the Lord yet you are suspicious of any act of kindness thrown at you? 

How can you say God is your protector and yet you use arrogance and rudeness to defend and protect your own Heart? 

Who has deceived you by telling you that you can take care of your self? 

How can you believe God plans for you is the best yet you are constantly expecting the worse from people? 

Jesus is the truth and He dwells in you, so why are you afraid of people lying to you? Light is never afraid of darkness. 

Many believers today have a different expectation from what they believe. It's time for your expectation and believe to align together. 

Don't expect the worst in life and relationship and claim you believe in the best of God's plan for your life.  

Love is you because of Christ that dwells in you. 

The way you relate with people is important and a worship to God. Irrespective of what people have done to you, keep treating people as the love that you are in nature. 

I am not promising you that it will be easy but it's worth it and it proves you are the disciple of Jesus Christ. 

True love is you because of Christ dwelling in you. 

Be inspired! 

#PrinceVictorMatthew    .


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