Love And Don't Fix People
God created humans as relating agents...even parents train but not fixing...
Machines are what we fix..not human. God alone is the only one that can help fix whatsoever is wrong with any one in his or her life.
Don't put the law into your hand to fix people. You suggest correction and speak the truth firmly. But it doesn't mean you make yourself a God over people.
If you see any fault in people, talk to them about it... and even if you discover you can help them....suggest your idea to help them to them... With their permission, you can then offer the help they are willing to accept.
If you correct some one and its clear the person doesn't even admit he or she is wrong... Pray for God to open their eyes...
If this person's fault has a direct effect on you, or your happiness.... Give some distance and pray for his or her change.
Don't submit your self to be a victim to some one that is constantly abusing... Don't judge or condemn the person either. Suggest your idea and if they fail to accept...keep away and guard your heart and joy at all cost.
Some people consciously bring up issues that they know offend people, saying I am training or correcting this person.
If some one has issue with anger, don't deliberately upset him or her.
If some one has issues with the lust of the eyes, don't deliberately seduce him or her.
If some one hates to give his or her things out, don't secret give out his prosperity without his or her permission.
Don't tempt people with their weakness...thinking you are helping them.
Protect them from their every thing to help the people from seeing his or her greatest fear.
Protect.... don't expose their weakness and stand as the judge mocking them of how weak they are.
If some one is impatience, don't deliberate put him or her in a condition that will expose that weak side of him or her.
Protect and don't expose or enforce correction. GIVE PEOPLE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE HOW YOU HELP THEM AND WHEN TO HELP THEM.
Don't fix people, intercede or pray for them and if you can't pray for them and respectfully suggest correction...SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH.
Friendship is not parenting. Relationship is not parenting. If you can't help them or correct them with respect, keep off. Don't add more stress to their lives.
Only God fix people. Let God be God and let humans be humans. If you are a friend, be a friend. Don't act like his or her parent when you are actually a friend.
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