
Showing posts from January, 2018

Love Is Order

I want you to understand that the   love that has no respect for values and priority is not matured.  Do you respect people's value?  Do you respect people's priority?   Do you even have a priority and how committed are you to your priority and values?  Is God's Word the Foundation of your priority and values?  Love is not matured yet until values and priority are defined.  Don't love as you please. Don't love without direction, specifications and pattern.  MOST OF THE TIME IT IS NOT HOW MUCH YOU ARE WILLING TO LOVE SOME ONE - IT IS HOW YOU LOVE THAT PERSON.   *Before you love, ask questions and be sure you love according to the necessity of this person.*  Necessity is the mother of love.  Don't pity anyone. Don't manage to love.  Love is not just emotions, attraction or feeling - love is a specific knowledge, specific understanding and specific wisdom about this person you want ...

Love with Understanding

don't love any one with your own idea.  Before you love some one, try your best to know and understand this person you want to love.  Loving some one is a waste of effort and sacrifice if you can't love this person according to their own uniqueness.  There is a difference between loving some one and the person feeling loved.  It's a waste of money buy a lion a swimming pool as a gift of love because by nature, lion don't swim. it's a waste of money buying expensive shoes for a cow or a goat.  It's not about your effort, it's about understanding. Don't be surprised that your commitment, love, and honest attitude  to some one can annoy the person and even make him or her run away from you.  Love but love with understanding. Know this person first and understand this person before you can learn how this kind of person ought to be loved.  Love without understanding is a waste of effort. Don't blame people for rejectin...

Love is You.

I want you to always remember that Love is who you are because of the Christ that dwell in you.  Don't just know it, believe it and attitude it. Expect love and value love . The experience of love in how you relate with people is the abundance of God's presence.  How can you say you trust the Lord yet you are suspicious of any act of kindness thrown at you?  How can you say God is your protector and yet you use arrogance and rudeness to defend and protect your own Heart?  Who has deceived you by telling you that you can take care of your self?  How can you believe God plans for you is the best yet you are constantly expecting the worse from people?  Jesus is the truth and He dwells in you, so why are you afraid of people lying to you? Light is never afraid of darkness.  Many believers today have a different expectation from what they believe. It's time for your expectation and believe to align together.  Don't exp...