The Image of Relationship

Relationship is the agreement between two or more people to cooperate together and achievement a common goal. It is the lifeline for every creature on it. Relationship wires the animal kingdom, technology, humans, divinity and all phase of life. The Heavens and the Earth depends on Relationship to function accurately. Even God can not operate outside the frame called RELATIONSHIP.

Relationship can not function without a defined aim or goal. There is no aimless relationship. Every relationship is active and it's either taking some thing from you or it is adding some thing to you. No form of relationship comes into your space and leave without leaving an impact. Your rise and fall in this generation is hundred percent dependent on the nature of relationship you have cultivated or the ones you abandoned.

Relationship is a lifestyle, a culture, and a goal that must be future related and fruitful to the present realities. Relationship is not about dating and marriage alone, it's in the way you talk and treat the people in your life daily.

Relationship is in three dimension. God's relationship with you, your relationship with yourself and your relationship with people. You will never learn how to cultivate a healthy relationship with your self, if you refuse to embrace God's relationship with you. In this context, self abuse is treating yourself below the way God treats you. The way God loves and treat you is what should set the pace for how you treat your self and how you treat others.

In the same context of extending God's dealing with you in how you treat must do all you can to extend that same love you have received from God to other people. This is the way to build a healthy relationship with God, with yourself and with other people.

Healthy self image is you seeing your self the way God sees you and seeing others through the eyes of God. Healthy self esteem is about the way you feel about yourself according to God's opinion about your life. It is in the way you feel about others according to God's opinion about their lives. Healthy self worth is you respecting yourself according to the way God respects you. It's in you respecting others the way God has respected you.


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