Attraction Is Not Love

*Attraction is not love*  

Being attracted to some one does not mean you must date this person. It does not mean you are in love with that person or you and this person is wired to be couple. 

Attraction is a neutral potential in every human that responds to what we see or hear *that appeal our interest*  

We have intellectual attraction. 
This is what you see or listen to some one who is doing or saying what appeal your intellectual interest. This also involve some one speaking what you believe or accept as a norm. 

Physical attraction - this is when you see or hear things that appeal your physical interest such as colours, pattern, attitude, way things are done or arranged, shapes, heights, and beauty. 

Sexual attraction - this is when you see or hear what appeal your sexual interest such as curves, shapes, body type, height, slim, average, fat and tone of voice.  

We all are wired to respond to any of the attraction. 

Being attracted to some one simple means they are or they have what appeal your interest.

Some attraction leads to the following 
- Greeting mates 
- Talk mates 
- Friendship. 
- Courtship 
- Marriage  
- Teammate in talent or any profession. 

Don't jump into conclusion thinking you are in love just because you are attracted to some one. 

observe what is attracting you to them or them to you. Ask God for the wisdom to understand why the attraction came and how God wants you to go about it. 

Attraction is not love! 

Be inspired! 

    .  .


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