THE CAGE - Part 1

You are welcome to the lecture and the lesson one in this school. 

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has purposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name.

In this first lecture, I will be teaching you on this question – GET OUT OF THAT CAGE!

You are welcome to this present truth of God’s word and our case study is Romans 12:1 – 2. The subject matter is ‘GET OUT of the CAGE.’

We live in a system, people cry and complain but we all love the CAGE built by our own hands. With our very hands, we have imprisoned ourselves, leaving no clue to our own freedom.

This is a battle we all struggle to put an end to daily, but every of our effort increases our pain the more. We are so honestly and sincerely beating our selves. The more we try to be free, the more we increase the security of our own prison.

God wants you to GET OUT of that CAGE! God wants you to release your self from the prison you have set your self. God is not happy with your present condition and He is interested to see you free from your own prison.

Life is not all about what you think or believe; it is all about how you believe and think it. This is the reason we all must go back to the Holy Spirit. A lot of things need to be redefine. We have being in pains but it’s time to be free.


This CAGE is all about our wrong mind-set and our inability to adjust, learn and improve. This CAGE is our thinking pattern that is so fixed in principles that are not in line with God’s word. This CAGE is what you have chosen to believe about love, attraction and relationship.

This CAGE is a strong influence that has made us loose a lot of opportunity and Godly relationship (platonic & emotional). Love and relationship is beautiful but you need to embrace what the scriptures say about love for you to enjoy it fully.

This CAGE is pains, memories and experiences that have limited and are still limiting us from Godly relationships. It is the feeling of defeat, and you accepting yourself are a victim. It is the believe that you don’t deserve the best. It’s all about you thinking you need to abandon your talent, creativity, values and walk with God for a date with man or a lady.

This CAGE is a mind-set that says ‘love is all about sex.’ It’s a mind-set that says, ‘greed is better than being considerate.’ it’s a mind-set that says, ‘being rude to people is 2more honourable.’ It’s a mind-set that sees greeting attitude as a sign of weakness.

This CAGE is all the negative and abusive experience people allow their selves to experience – all in the search for love. This CAGE represents all the wrong believe you have chosen to believe. This CAGE is your own very limitations you have set by your self through the wrong things you have believed.

This CAGE is the believe system that is not in support to God’s word that you have embraced. This CAGE is YOU. You are the CAGE limiting YOU.

The CAGE is a living, a lifestyle, thinking pattern, a decision, desire and expectations we have ignorantly embraced as the norm. This CAGE is YOU – you are the very CAGE that has imprisoned you. You are the very limitation stopping you. Your own decision is responsible for all the frustration you are presently experiencing. 

Love and relationship is not difficult – it’s only as difficult as you have made it to be to your self. Men are not wicked – you have experienced such because your priorities were not in line with God’s word. Ladies are not the same – you have dating the same ladies because you have always making the same decision without involving God.

All you have experienced and all you have become today were your fault or your choice. It was connected to the things you should have done that you failed to do or it was connected to what you should have avoided that you embraced. This CAGE was and is your fault and choice. DON’T BLAME ANY ONE.

To be continued...


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