Love is the Fruit.

Love is the reality of the fruit cultivated from God's Word. Without the Word of God, you won't be able to yield the fruit of the Spirit. And love is the first Expression of God's Nature in you.

Love is God. God do not have love. He is love personified and if you abide in Him you will definitely manifest love. Love is the outpouring of God's personal dealings with you. It is a lifestyle of treating people the way God shown you acceptance.

Love is extending to others all Christ have done for you and all He is doing in you. Abstaining from the presence of God or your personal dealing with God cripples your ability you yield the fruit of the Spirit.

The bible said, and the fruit of the Spirit IS love, joy.. etc. The bible did not say, the fruit of the Spirit ARE. IN LOVE, every other fruit of the Spirit resides or dwells. Love is the multi dimensional nature of God's Nature. In love dwells Joy, kindness, self control, peace and all the other fruit of the spirit.

Prince Victor Matthew
Hope Expression Hub 


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