
Showing posts from September, 2016

THE CAGE - Part 2

This CAGE operates in different pattern. Here are the following patterns that I know. THE FEAR OF FAILURE. Most of the time, this CAGE gets hold of our emotions because we don’t involve God in every detail that surround our emotions. Most of the time, we are afraid of relationship and dating because we have choose to believe what the society, friends and people are saying more than what the word of God has to say. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t depend on your own understanding. Your fears are real but you can turn them into prayer points and you can still ask the Holy Spirit how to go about it. Always remember this ‘the righteousness shall fall seven times and rise again.’ The greatest danger is not in your ability to fail – the greatest danger is in your inability to learn when you fail. Be led by the Holy Spirit and get instructions from Him and if you fail in the process of obeying God, learn from your mistakes and move again. Dare to believe God...