Love is a culture of respecting human relationship. Don't date to marry. Ladies, be friendly to learn the nature of men and how men thinks. Stop blaming men for being men because you think men should think like ladies. Men, stay out of the emotional zone and learn to know how ladies think.

If we don't stop idolizing marriage and dating by paying attention to learn and understand gender differences and uniqueness, we will fail the next generation. My sister, aside what your fellow sisters told you about men, who is a man really? My brothers, aside what your fellow brothers told you about ladies, who is a lady really? Its time to learn and be wise.

There is even a problem when men don't even know what it means to be a man. We have a confused generation but there is a solution. We must return to the manufacturer which is God to re-introduce to us, who man is. The expectations of people, our selves, and the society have set a pace to be pursued but it's not the original blueprint.

There is so much demand on ladies to function differently from how God have wired them to function. The pressure is much and the social media keep raising the bar, making ladies feel they are not good enough until they compromise their dream. Chasing shadows with enticing promises that will only birth painful consequences in future. Sister's, return to the Jesus and seek for the scriptural principles of how to be a woman.

Prince Victor Matthew 


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